
İnternetten Kazanç Yöntemleri => Diğer Siteler => Youtube => Konuyu başlatan: mesut - 04 Şubat 2015, 21:18:39

Başlık: LİFE = QUİZ'e mi geçti ?
Gönderen: mesut - 04 Şubat 2015, 21:18:39
Life networkdan mesaj var :

Currently we are in the final phase of our dashboard. From this day any changes of your payment details you can make ONLY through it (it does not apply to partners who use bank details, soon we will fix it). Also there you will find your referral link.

For join use QuizGroup// The Leading Global YouTube Network

PS: Website QuizGroup// The Leading Global YouTube Network does not work anymore. Please use our main web-site QuizGroup// The Leading Global YouTube Network for all of your new channels or add it trough your own dashboard.

life network zaten quiz'in subnetwork olarak geciyordu. Şimdi galiba saadece Quize network ile devam edecekler. yani life network deviri quize veriyor bundan sonra saadece quiz demeki...